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I want to join
the 6 week challenge!
From March 1st 2023 till April 15th 2023, we are offering this UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to speak almost any language in just 6 weeks with The Shortcut Method.
You will be part of an English speaking group of motivated candidates to this fantastic challenge. Each of you will be learning a different language if you want, you decide the language you want to learn!
We have explained in details all about the method, the approach and the challenge on our serie of 4 webinars. You can watch them all in REPLAY by clicking here.
Send us an email clicking on the button below and give us YOUR NAME & the language you want to learn, and you are in!
The cost for this challenge is : 500 Euros.
This is the first time we offer this, so this is truly a unique opportunity.
There will not be any other similar opportunities in 2023, and we can't promise we will offer this again in 2024, and if we do, the price will probably not be the same. Your call!
Last date to join the challenge : March 14th* 2023
*the challenge starts on March 1st, but the sessions during march 1st and March 15th can be done via REPLAY. The actual learning of the language will be from March 15th to April 15th. This is all explained in the webinars in details. Don't hesitate to send us an email if you have questions.